Monday, May 01, 2006

catch up

ok lets lay cath up.. since i have been resting a bit after a wek of full on running around.. i didnt have all that much to type.

the night with andreas' friends went well.. they had to meet t discuss and plan their holiday to denmark in july.. so wasnt so much a social visit.. when you have 6 germans together hey talk so fast it was very hard t keep up. after a full hour of it your brain just packs it in and tunes out.. but i followed as much as i could.

the next day we went shopping at walmart.. oh i love german supermarkets.. andreas laughs at all the things i want to try...because the food items and lollies and chocolate is al different.

have then spent the next days eating a lot.. lol and drinking too much coffee.

today went to lange reihe for coffe and lunch with andreas and my other friend ollie. was the 1st time i can see ollie this trip. a crazy (and i mean crazy) german wman came up.. aparently sprouting about how she was related to some duke and that her people must nt go to siberia and then she yelled at some woman on the street about having new lipstick.. ollie and andreas found this hysterical...

then we went to ollies to watch some german western that was a comedy.. was very funny even if i only go about a 1/3 of what was going on.

tonight the boys plan to take me to all the clubs.... the bad ones.. looks like im in for a tour of the leather bars here..... oh my i think i should be scared.

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