Saturday, July 29, 2006

i lve it when a plan comes together

well.... slowly but surely the plan for the rest of the trip is coming together.

next week i have rented an apartment in Hamburg for a week. this gets me to CSD in Hamburg. but th efollowing weekend is the big leather party f hamburg.. i was here for it last year.. and everyone is saying to me i must stay for it.. so i dont know.. anyway... if i do, then straight after i will travel down to zurich... and then from zurich ill go direct to washinton, as looks like things in Uk are not panning out so will more than likely just fly right though.

arriving in washington DC on the 31aug...and chris is coming to pick me uip at the airport, and we have decided that we will drive back to his place (3.5 hours drive... one way.. poor guy he has to do it twice in a row) and then he will work the next day.. and then be able to take 1 week off so i can see a bit of the surrounds with him. the rest of the tim ein the states is a bit undecided.. but i guess ill need to make some plans before 31 august so when i change my ticket to fly out of zurich, i can make any other changes then.

well.. its now comingto august.. the wasp season. last night was the first night the wasps started coming round.. and of course... naturally.. i got stung twice... right after bert is telling me hes not been stung in 20 years.. and that they dont sting you if you ignore them.. however i moved my arm against my stomach and didnt realise a wasp was on my arm.. so copped a double sting. ouch. weird that it hurts like heck but is bearable.. just annoying really. i thoughgt i was allergic.. based onwhat happened when i got stung by something on the hand in australia.. but ooks liek that probabaly wasnt a wasp then.. as my arm hasnt blown up like a balloon.

anyway.... still having fun.. was great having some space and a place of my own this week, and will be having that again next week.. just a brief pause in the chaos that is Dans life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dan! If you need somewhere to go, something to do while in the US, come on out to Seattle! It would be great to finally show you around here.