Monday, July 31, 2006

Lost in familiar surroundings

The freedom of wandering aimlessly comes at a price,
Sometimes you can become lost.
The way ahead seems so sure,
and yet you walk on unsteady ground.
Behind each newly familiar face
lies indeterminate depths of trust and reality.
Words so often spoken sound hollow
when the castles in the air dissipate
into the substance from which they came,
like so many of lifes other illusions.

But with each misstep comes a new knowledge
And a previously unused part of yourself
Begins to grow and blossom
Like a new leaf in the early spring
The branches grow and the tree strengthens

The road ahead is always an unknown path
and the journey is always fraught with experiences
all of differing intensities and emotion
and its how we react to them
which make them good or bad.

The journey is always a road of discovery,
of self, and the world around us.
Sometimes you find yourself
in place you least expected

1 comment:

Danny said...

you can count on me to be the friendly smileing rock