Monday, October 15, 2007

Dan's first day on the job ??

and just had to show this amazing evacuation practice of the new airbus

and here are some of the previous groups of virgin training. im going to be group 633

and this one is for carolyn.
its not virgin but still shows what im about to go thru


Danny said...

Dan the MAN.

I am so proud of you at this moment, (yes I have a tear in my eye).

Plus I am so jealous of you. I will be seeing more of the world within your job, something that I had hoped to do when I joined the navy, but it is not to be yet.

You are doing well mate, hang in there.

Boser Wolf said...

aw shucks.... but always remember danny, you are doing your part to protect australia. i think thats far more important than serving a bunch of ingrateful passengers. but glad i can amuse you.