Monday, February 19, 2007

the travel curse continues

what a day friday was.

left the office in perth with heaps of time, but due to APEC there were no cabs in the city, and so by the tim ei got one and got to he airport, i had missed my 4pm flight back to sydney. so i had to wait 8 hours for the next flight to leave at 12.15am. and if thats wasnt bad enough, the flight lands in sydney at 6.15am, but is actually only 3.5 hours long, so you lose a whole night. i thought, hmmm at least ill get a bit of sleep on the flight, since normally i dont have any problems sleeping, ut unfortunately i had this dim witted, overweight chick sitting next to me, who im sure wasnt playing with a full deck, who took it upon herself to intrude on my space, and constantly move and brush against my arm, thus keeping me awake the whole flight. by the end of it i was ready to punch her in the face, and for me to get that riled, you know it was serious.

totally fucked up my weekend, and had to play catch up sleep for most of it. got home feeling like i had been run over by a truck......
anyway, boss has given me friday off to make up for it, so at least shes understanding of it. so theres my silver lining,

1 comment:

wwwoof said...

Grr. I was that fat chick next to you on the plane!

I missed you on Fair Day!