Saturday, September 03, 2005

wow !!!!


last night we went to the alsterparty. its a city party inthe heart of Hamburg... and everyone gathers around the lake in the middle of the city and they have a huge fireworks display go off in the lake.

have to sadly admit to Andreas that this is the best display i have ever seen...yes even better than sydney.. schisse!!

but was. then i drank 4 beers in the street...street party you know... and can you imagine me drinking beer.

then on the walk home.. i actually had to go intot he bushes for a pee. its ok here though everyone pisses everywhere.. its normal... so im told.. so i joined the germans intheir favorite sport... seemingly.

tonight i think we go again to the party as its all weekend. will try to contain my bladder this time tho.

will try to take a few pics of the fireworks.. if i can manage it.

hard to believe that i only have 1.5 weeks to go. got an email that has advised me that theres many movements happening at work with people leaving left right and centre. so hoping all is ok with my job when i get back.

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