Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Im Deutscheland Sein !

Hallo world,

well, i finally made it to Germany. 1st up, forgive me if i misspell anything.. the keyboard here is a little different.

well.. got a bit of a surprise when i found out on the train from AMS that i had to change trains half way. picured myself getting so lost and ending up lord knows where. amazingly i managed to get to Hamburg ok.

at first the german was so overwhelming.. they speak so fast. but by the end of my first night i was speaking more german. i think in about a week, i will be used to hearing the language as can easier make out the words. i am going to try to read a chapter a day, of my "german for dummies" so after 10 days i should be speaking a lot better. much for the summer. i have arrived here, only to find that the weather is not that much different to the winter when i was here. its grey, cold and raining. so summer is not to be, for me, this trip, but (oh god i keep thinking in german and its now hard to be 100% english without trying to translate everything in my head) the weather is not my reason for being here.

im staying in a nice apartment, close to the city. it was strange to wake up this morning... alone in the world... but i am getting a taste of what it would be like to live here. i discovered this morning that i had no towel.... so im probably going t osmell by the end of the day, but andreas is bringing me one. they forgot to leave me a towel, as his boyfriend i think is slowly moving to andreas´house and has taken most of the manchester and clothes.

watched desperate housewives last night in german.. its so funny.. to hear the wrong voices.. but i actually understood some of what was being said. and i hope that by the end of the trip, im speaking like a native. this afternoon ill just do some shopping and later meet andreas for kaffee und kuchen (thats coffee and cake)

i only have connection to the internet via an internet cafe so the pictures will be slower in coming to you.. but i will try to upload some from andreas´ house one time soon.

already they are making fun of my tastes in food. nto that i see a problem with egg and cheese on bread but aparently its a funny combination for them.

hello to all back home and around the world.. thinking of you all...and so glad im not at work (sorry YM)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like that big red bullseye target in the middle of your forehead is still sucking all the freaks your way. Glad you're having a fun time. MattyT